24 December 2011

Intel Promises Medfield, for Smartphones and Tablets

Intel will launch a processor chip which will be devoted to the Medfield devices smart phones (smartphones) and a tablet. This processor is believed to be delivering a high performance to support the mobility of its users.

Chief Representative Intel Indonesia Corporation explains this chip Santhosh Viswanathan supports all the latest technologies such as Augmented reality, Near Field Communication and more.

"These chips would come out in quarter II/2012," said while having a discussion with some Santhosh media in Intel's Office Jakarta, Indonesia, Friday (15/12/2011)

Problem specification, Intel still seems reluctant to express it in more detail. But those already using the processor fabrication 32 nm, a System on Chip (SOC), and supports HDMI 1080p output.

Even though it will be the focus of smart phones and sweep tablet processor, Intel will also not lose sight of the processors to the computer for this to be its largest market.

Intel's prediction, 15 billion devices will be connected in 2014 and there will be 35 trillion gigabytes of data accessible in 2020.

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